The amount of difference we see in the prologue/epilogue narrator from the chapter 1 narrator is incredible. Having survived numerous traumatic experiences, he can now reflect on his life with a sense of objectivity that he was unable to achieve before. Along with this, he has also achieved a clarity of vision that enables him to see things from a different perspective. The narrator's remark regarding his "belated appreciation of the crude joke that had kept me running" reveals his advanced emotional maturity. Despite the torture he was forced to endure, he is still alive. In my opinion, this suggests that living in a world that denies an individual basic human rights is a fate worse than death. He reiterates his stance, "I'm invisible, not blind." Concerning his reasons for writing down his story, the narrator realizes that the process of writing helped him work through the pain, diffuse the hate, and regain his capacity to love. Once more, he ...